- by mad.vinton
Happy March my friends! What a week last week was. It was so busy that I couldn’t get a blog post up for Friday, which I was super bummed about! But all is well now, and I’m excited for todays post! I’ve been focusing on my skin a lot recently and I thought I would share what I do to try and keep it clear!
Remove Your Makeup…All Of It
The number one thing I do for my skin is take off all of my makeup at the end of the day. I know this is a common struggle for people, but this one I feel like I do the best. I don’t know, anytime I take a nap or something with makeup I freak out that it might transfer and stain whatever I’m laying my face on! In my nighttime skincare routine, I mentioned using the Garnier micellar water, and the makeup remover cloth, and I use them every single time taking makeup off of my face. On a perfect day, I will use my cleanser and deep clean to really get all that makeup off, but sometimes I’m lazy and just don’t cleanse!
You’d think based on the makeup remover cloth that all the makeup was removed, but I was shocked to find out one day that when I did just that and worked out the next morning and wiped my face with my white shirt, there was still makeup on my face! Crazy right? So on those imperfect days, I make sure to cleanse my face after my workouts to really make sure all that makeup still isn’t in my pores.
Invest in your skin
The first thing that I would always think about when having a skincare routine is how expensive it is. It makes you question if it’s really worth it, and for a long time I didn’t think it was. It wasn’t until a couple of years ago that I decided to actually splurge a little on my skincare routine and invest in products that work. Sure there are some great products out there that are more budget friendly, but I just feel like you have to do your research! Thankfully there’s services like Afterpay, so you don’t have to pay whatever amount up front for a certain product, you can break it up into 4 payments!
Don’t touch your face
This is one that I struggle with a lot. I was good about not doing it for a little bit, but here recently I can’t seem to stop touching my face and I really need to get out of this habit! Just think of all the things you touch throughout the day and how that transfers to your face! It’s probably not all that good. I have sensitive skin in that I don’t break out from the products I use, but I break out around the areas that I touch my face. It’s super weird, but that’s just the way it is, and I need to be better!
Clean your makeup brushes
It can be easy to neglect cleaning your brushes, but I really do think that cleaning my makeup brushes regularly makes a difference in my skin. It’s one of those things that you think will take forever to do, but it actually only takes 10 minutes tops. I found this makeup cleaner from Ecotools that I’ve been obsessed with and it’s so inexpensive! All I have to do is wet my brushes, poor a little bit of the shampoo in the palm of my hand and lather the brushes to clean and then rinse. Once you’re done, set on a towel to dry! Easy peasy.
Mask It
A few weeks ago I ended up buying this sample mini mask set from Kiehl’s at TJ Maxx for $20, and it really made me want to start getting into masks again! I haven’t tried all of these yet, but I love the way my skin feels after using the Calendula and Aloe one. I’d definitely recommend hitting up your TJ Maxx to see if these are still on sale! I’ve wanted to try Kiehl’s products for a really long time and was excited when I found these guys!
Be Consistent With Your Routine
And the last thing I leave with you today is being consistent. This was another one that has been hard for me. I go through periods where I care about my skincare routine, and then there’s times where I don’t. How are the products you buy supposed to work if you don’t use them!? For me, it’s just easy to quickly remove my makeup and go to sleep even though it would only take 5 to 10 minutes to actually go through my skincare routine. It makes such a difference and your skin will thank you!!!
And that wraps up my list of things I’m trying to do to keep my skin clear! I don’t know if you’ve read my skin journey, but I do feel like my skin has come a long way since my high school days. I don’t have the multiple breakouts and inflammation in my skin. Although I do have the occasional breakouts, they aren’t nearly as bad as what they once were, and I will always be grateful for that! I’m by no means a skin expert, but I just thought I’d share what I’ve been trying to do to keep my skin clear. Thanks for stopping by on today’s post, hope you all have an amazing week!!