Happy Friday my friends! Today, I thought I’d talk about my current fitness routine that I’ve been loving since the start of the new year. I wrote as one of my goals that I wanted to train smarter, not harder, and I feel like this routine really emulates that. When I think of last year, I realize now that I was putting in too many intense sessions and wondering why I wasn’t seeing any results. I tried to keep adding more workouts and more reps thinking that’s what my workouts needed, when really all I needed was to do less and let my body rest. Not everything needs to be full out.
Although I’m happy that I got in the habit of working out 5 times a week, I know that the workouts themselves weren’t good. This year, I’ve let go of the need to workout however many times a week and just listen to my body. Some weeks I workout 4 times, sometimes I workout 5. It all just depends, and I listen to my body on what it wants to do that day. I just take it one day at a time, not putting any pressure on myself for looking a certain way, but how I feel. So what’s my fitness routine you ask? Well, keep reading to find out! I’ll be covering my ideal week of working out 5 times 🙂
Day 1: Arms and Abs
-warmup: 10 minutes on bike (level 2)
- Pushups (3 x 15)
- Tricep Dips (3 x 22)
- Alternating Wide/Forward Bicep Curls (3 x 10 Total)
- Front Raises (3 x 10)
- Half Kneeling DB Press (3 x 11 per side)
- Straight Arm Plank Reaches (3 x 16 total)
- Bicycle Crunches (3 x 50 total)
- In and Out around DB (3 x 28)
Day 2: Light Cardio
– 30 minutes on bike (alternating between level 2 and 3, nothing intense)
– Stretch
Day 3: Yoga
-Yoga with Adriene (20 to 40 minute practice of choosing)
Day 4: Legs
-warmup: 10 minutes on stair master (low level)
- Curtsy Lunge with Bar (3 x 8 per side)
- Side to Side Stiff Leg Deadlift Variation (3 x 12 total)
- Lateral Bounds (4 x 22 total)
- Double KB Swing (3 x 10 total)
- KB Step Squat (3 x 6 per side)
- Chainsaw Rows (3 x 11 per side)
Day 5: Cardio
-25-30 minute run
I’ve mentioned Natacha Océane before, and she really is my workout inspiration! I love following her on Instagram and seeing what workouts I want to try and implement into my routine. I feel like I now have such a catalog of different exercises that changes week to week, my body is constantly being surprised. I used to pile up all these exercises into my routine, when really I should’ve been focusing on my movements and the quality of what I’m doing, not the quantity. So for my arm days I do 8 exercises, and for legs I do 6, changing the exercises week to week, adding one rep from the previous time to ensure I’m getting stronger and challenging myself.
I really do love this routine. I don’t feel like I’m overdoing it, and my workouts don’t feel like there’s no end in sight. And although this is an ideal week for me, like I said sometimes I just workout 4 times a week. It all depends on how I’m feeling! One thing that I’ve kept the same from last year is that I don’t plan specific days to workout. You just never know how your body will feel and maybe it just needs a rest day! Thanks for stopping by today, hopefully this encourages you to get up and move! Have a great weekend <3