- by mad.vinton
Even though I associate myself with being a tomboy for the most part, there’s one thing I love, and that is shopping. I enjoy finding and picking out new items and just browsing because I love fashion and beauty. It’s always been something I enjoyed doing ever since I was little. There’s just something about finding an item that speaks to you, like that item was made just for you.
But anyways, with all of the online shopping I have done within the years, especially this year since we can’t go into a store, I feel like I’ve gained some insight on browsing and purchasing things online that I thought I’d share today!
#1 Be Specific and Intentional About What You Want
As fun as it is to go into a store not really knowing what you want, you can’t really do that online. I mean you can, but there are hundreds and hundreds of items that you’d have to browse through and it can get a little overwhelming. Nowadays, I go to a website like ASOS or any online store being intentional about what I want. I utilize the filters on the site to only show me the items that are my size and my price range because I don’t want to waste my time looking at items that I can’t buy.
Not only am I specific with the filters I use, but I’m also starting to be more intentional about why I’m shopping online to begin with. I’ve found that assessing what I need before I online shop helps me save time so I’m not scrolling through pages and pages. If I want a new pair of leggings, I just look at leggings and so on. I feel like this helps me not go and buy 10 random pieces all at once and my wallet thanks me for that!
#2 Reviews are Your Best Friend
Reviews are something that I utilize every chance that I get, especially when it comes to makeup and skincare. Even though there seems to be some websites that only show the good reviews, I try to gauge what products have overall good reviews from the customers. I feel like Ulta has been really great whenever I’ve purchased from there based on reviews. I’ve come to love the products that I’ve bought and never felt like I was misinformed.
#3 Afterpay Baby
I’ve mentioned Afterpay on here a couple of times, and my goodness Afterpay has changed the way I shop online! Items that I thought were out of my reach because of the upfront cost are within grasp now because of Afterpay. It makes me happy that more and more brands are starting to accept Afterpay. Throughout the years, I’ve come to realize how much I want quality products, and with quality products comes a price. It really helps that I don’t have to spend all my money all at once and can break it up into 4 payments. I just hope that maybe Lululemon can catch on?!
#4 Mull it Over
To prevent buyer’s remorse, when I find items that I’m potentially going to buy, I keep it saved for a little while so I can think about whether or not I really want that item, or even like it. This has definitely saved me money because there has been times that I go back and look at an item that I thought I loved and that second look ended up changing my mind. I loved it in the moment, but after letting time pass (like a day or so) I went back to the item to find out I didn’t really like it that much. So instead of impulse buying, take a step back and really think about whether you love and need that item as much as you think you do!
#5 Keep an Eye On What You Want
If you were to go on my computer right now, you would see so many tabs saved on my reading list. Honestly, it is a little overwhelming and I’m going to have to go through and organize it somehow. And the reason why I have so many things on there is because I’m saving and keeping an eye out for items that I don’t need right now, but want to potentially buy in the future. I have things saved like shoes and dresses because I know that things sooner or later will go on sale. If I don’t need it right then and there, than I just wait until it can potentially go on sale or wait to purchase that item at another time when I’m able to!
And those are my online shopping tips! I feel like there is more tips that I could sit down and write out, but I just thought I’d start out with these. With all the time on my hands, I’ve spent more than I care to admit just browsing online finding something I want to potentially buy in the future! I probably need to take a break from it and utilize tip #4! It’s that out of sight, out of mind mentality, and taking a step away will do me some good! Anyways, thanks for being here and reading today’s post, hope you have a great weekend!