I’ve shared on here my fitness routines a couple of times, so it’s nothing new that it can change here and there every once in a while. I pride myself of getting in the habit of working out, and it’s not something that I resent doing, it’s something I’ve really come to enjoy. I enjoy challenging myself every time I workout. It’s not only good for me physically, but mentally as well. I feel more energetic, and I feel happier because of all those endorphins!
Last year I got in the habit of moving my body and working out five times a week. I thought that habit could never be broken. But if I’m being honest, June was not a great month fitness wise for me. And it actually has transferred to the beginning of this month too. I feel like I slacked around a lot, and me being the perfectionist I am, I am disappointed in myself that I didn’t work out as much as I should’ve. I guess I just have this fear that if I don’t workout I will lose all the progress I’ve made. I love fitness, and I need to get back to that love even though I feel I’ve been neglecting it a little bit.
What came with June was a new routine, and my fitness routine kind of went on the back burner. Now I’m not saying I completely omitted my workouts, but there were some weeks that I only worked out 2 or 3 times. And those workouts included the bike, golfing, and some yoga. It’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve done a leg and arm workout. I’m happy I’m moving my body, but I just feel like I should’ve been working out more.
Instead of focusing on what I am doing, I’ve been focusing on what I haven’t been doing. Even though I haven’t been logging my workouts, I feel like I have still been active and not a complete couch potato. I guess it’s just been hard for me to go upstairs and workout when it’s such a beautiful summer day out. And like I said, I’ve had to hone down a new routine, and that means if I want to workout, it’s much later in the day than what I was previously used to. I never realized how much I took my morning workouts for granted! I don’t really like working out in the late afternoons that much, but I know if I want to stay on track it’s something I’m going to have to get used to.
So, I haven’t been perfect this past month, and I have to accept that and move on. Part of it was because I felt “too tired” in the afternoon to actually workout and part of it was because life is busy. I think I need to realize I don’t have to be perfect in my fitness routine all the time and always be “on” even though that’s what I aspire to be. Life get’s hectic and you can’t always go and workout. But on the other hand, I can’t talk myself out of a workout, which I feel like I’ve been doing too. I guess it’s just a thing called balance I have to work on! It’s not the mentality that I have to workout, but that I get to workout that matters here.
I wanted to write this post to share that we can’t keep up the perfect fitness routine all the time. Sometimes we have down weeks, or even months, but it’s important to reflect on where you’re at and move on from that better and stronger than before. I realize now how much I miss actually working out, and I have a new motivation to do so. I also realize how hard I am on myself of trying to be perfect. It’s easier for me to realize all my mistakes and what I didn’t do, than the things I am doing and that’s definitely something I need to work on. I’m really hard on myself, can you tell? I just need to take it day by day, and focus on the things that I can do within that day to have a better tomorrow. Thanks for reading today’s not so perfect post, hope you have a great week <3