Current Workout Routine—April Edition

Current Workout Routine—April Edition

My workout routine has looked a little different these past few weeks, so I thought I’d share what I’ve been doing to stay active 🙂 Usually I try to workout 4-5 times a week, but lately I’ve been trying to stay active everyday, so although it’s not weights and cardio, I’m trying to do activities like golfing or shooting around the basketball to keep me moving! I am also doing 30 days of yoga, specifically Yoga with Adriene on YouTube and her 30-day practice called “Home” that she came out with earlier this year. So I’m either upstairs with weights or golfing, and then later I do my yoga practice for the day! Instead of talking about it, lets just show get into it!

Day 1: Yoga and Sports

  • Yoga with Adriene—Day 4 of Home (26-minute practice)
  • Golfing (1.5 hour)
  • Shooting around basketball (45 minutes)

Day 2: Yoga

  • Yoga with Adriene—Day 5 of Home (22-minute practice)

Day 3: Leg Day and Yoga

  • warmup: 10-minute walk on the treadmill
  1. Sumo Squat to Deadlift (3 x 30 total)
  2. Resistance Band Shuffles (3 x 30 total)
  3. Dual KB Deficit Deadlifts (4 x 12)
  4. Reverse Lunges with Kick (3 x 15 per side)
  5. 1.5 Sumo Squats (3 x 26 total)
  6. X Hops (3 x 10)
  • stretch
  • Yoga (later in the day): Day 6 of Home (25-minute practice)

Day 4: Yoga

  • Yoga with Adriene—Day 7 of Home (26-minute practice)

Day 5: Yoga and Sports

  • Day 8 of Home (26-minute practice)
  • Golfing (1 hour)

Day 6: Light Cardio and Yoga

  • 20 minutes on the bike (light intensity)
  • Day 9 of Home (26-minute practice)

Day 7: Yoga and Arms

  • Day 10 of Home (18-minute practice)
  • warmup: 10-minute walk on treadmill

         1. Pushups (3 x 16)

         2. Tricep Pullovers (3 x 18)

         3. Front Raise (3 x 11)

         4. Shoulder Press with Bar (3 x 10)

         5. Alternating Wide and Forward Bicep Curls (3 x 12 total)

         6. Plank Dips (3 x 32)

         7. In and Outs around DB (2 x 32)

         8. Corkscrews (2 x 30)

  • stretch

I feel like this routine has kept me busy and prevented me from just laying around doing nothing. With the pretty weather outside it has made me want to go outside a lot more, but we actually ended up having some colder weather this week so I wasn’t able to do that as much as I wanted to. I’ve enjoyed this routine though and have been really liking doing yoga everyday. The practices aren’t too long and I just feel better overall after completing them! So that’s basically all for my weekly routine, hope you have a great one!

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