Wow. I’m 22 years old today. It’s weird to think this time last year I was in my final year of college, yet today I don’t know where I’m going. I feel so lost. People are always asking what I’m up to and what my plan is and I just have to say that I’m working on finding a good job. When I was younger, I always thought that I would have my life figured out by now. I’d meet that special someone in college, get married, and we’d start a life together. Looking back on it, that thought seems completely crazy.

I have to constantly keep reminding myself that each person’s path is different. Just because someone else got married at this age and just because someone has a full time job already does not mean I’m failing at life. I have so much uncertainty ahead, but I’m young and I still have time to figure things out. I’m 22 years old now! I shouldn’t try to rush anything because things happen in time.

I’m so dedicated to making 22 better than my 21st year of life. I was in a tough place mentally throughout my senior year of college because everyone was (and still is) asking what my plans are and I didn’t have a clue what my next step was going to be. I was measuring my life based on everyone else’s expectations of me and was telling myself that I wasn’t good enough nor did I have enough experience. I was failing before I even started.

Not only was 21 hard from the job expectations front, but I just felt, and still kind of do feel so alone. I just feel like I don’t have anybody in my life right now experiencing what I’m going through. This is why I wanted to start a blog on my 22nd birthday. This is the beginning of my next step and I want to document as much of it as I can. I’m determined to make 22 the most memorable year and the best year. I used to be fearful of the uncertainty of the future, but now I embrace it. I embrace what is to come. I am hopeful for what is to come. 

When I think of the number 22, it makes me happy. Not just because it’s a Taylor Swift song and you don’t say 22, you sing “twennttyyy-tooooooo” every time it is someone’s 22nd birthday. It was my volleyball number in high school and it just brings good thoughts and memories along with it. I hope in the future when I look back on my 22nd year of life, that good thoughts and memories will come with it. I hope that it would be the year that I grew more than I thought I ever would. I hope that it would be the year that I start putting myself out there and not feeling so closed off to the world around me. That it would be the year that I broke out of my shell and had amazing life experiences. My next adventure starts today with this blog, and I’m so beyond excited to share it with you!

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